The hall is licensed for a maximum of 200 people seated, or 120 dancing. In the supper room the maximum is 30 persons seated. In no circumstances should these figures be exceeded.
In the conditions below, any reference to the Committee shall mean Embsay with Eastby Village Institute Management Committee, and the premises means the Village Institute and land within the boundary walls and the fences of the site.
If the hirer is in any doubt as to the meaning of any of the following, the Bookings Secretary should be consulted.
- THE HIRER shall appoint one responsible adult to be in overall charge of the premises during the period of hiring.
- THE HIRER shall be responsible for the supervision of the premises, protection of the fabric and contents, safeguarding them from damage, however slight, and the behaviour of all persons using the premises whatever their capacity, including proper supervision of car parking arrangements so as to avoid obstruction of the highway.
- THE HIRER shall also appoint one adult person to be responsible for all safety arrangements for the duration of the hiring, and that person shall familiarise him/herself with the action to be taken on discovering a fire, including the location of fire-fighting equipment, and the Evacuation Plan provided which includes the location of exits and escape routes.
- THE HIRER shall not sub-let or use the premises for any unlawful purpose or in an unlawful way, nor do anything, nor bring anything onto the premises anything which may endanger the premises, their users, or any insurance policies relating thereto. THE HIRER shall indemnify the Committee for the cost of repair of any damage done to any part of the premises or to the contents of the building during or as a result of the booking. Electrical appliances brought onto the premises for the hirer’s use MUST have been tested and certified as safe by an approved electrician.
- THE HIRER shall be responsible for obtaining any licenses necessary in connection with the booking, in particular for sale and consumption of alcohol on the premises, and shall be responsible for the observation of all regulations appertaining to the premises stipulated by the Licensing Justices, Fire Authority, the Local Authority or otherwise. Events licenses can be obtained from Craven District Council. (There will be an extra charge when the hirer makes arrangements for a licensed bar.)
- THE HIRER shall be responsible for making any arrangements necessary to insure against any risks arising out of the nature of the event/activities pursued during the course of the booking. (The Village Institute Committee’s insurance provides cover against Third Party claims and for equipment at the Village Institute, but NOT for personal accidents sustained by members of user groups.) Any accidents must be recorded must be recorded in the accident book found on the noticeboard in the entrance lobby.
- THE HIRER shall be totally responsible for the level of noise and vibrations during the hiring, and shall ensure that no undue disturbance is caused to the neighbouring community.
- If THE HIRER wishes to cancel the booking before the date of the event, and the Committee is unable to conclude a replacement booking, the question of payment or the repayment of the hiring fee shall be at the discretion of the Committee.
- THE HIRER shall be responsible for removing litter and rubbish from the premises and surrounds, and for washing up crockery and leaving the kitchen in a clean and tidy condition as indicated in the notice to be found there. (Other furniture and equipment will be returned to its proper place by the caretaker.)
- When making a booking, THE HIRER must provide the Committee with several pieces of personal information: including, but not limited to, their name, phone number and email address. The Committee uses this information, along with the details of the booking, to satisfactorily provide the facilities booked. Only the date and times of the booking, the rooms booked and the ‘Activity’ to be undertaken as entered on the booking form will be publicly accessible. All other details, including personal information, will only be accessible to the Institute’s Chair, Bookings Secretary, Caretaker and Web Developer. The Committee will not share – give, rent or sell – any personally-identifying information to anyone. Details of bookings, including personal information, will be kept for a maximum of five years. After this time, all personal details relating to a booking that could link it to THE HIRER will be removed from the system. We reserve the right, for historical purposes, to retain non-personal details of bookings after the five year limit.