How to book the Village Institute

This page, takes you through the process of making a booking in Hallmaster.

First of all find the date you want to book in the diary calendar. If the date is green there are no bookings so far that day. Any bookings will be listed on the diary page and the day will be orange.

Click on the “+” sign in the top right hand corner of the day you wish to book.

A form will appear on your screen. Fill it in. Press “Continue

Check your emails. There will be a confirmation email from Hallmaster. Follow the instructions in the email.

On the booking screen press “I have done this”

You are now logged into your Hallmaster account.

Edit your booking

  1. Select which room you require (or both)
  2. Insert the name of the event (Birthday party etc)
  3. Number of people attending
  4. The start and finish times of the event.
  5. Activity type – class, event, meeting or party
  6. A brief description of the event.
  7. Any special requirements that you need.
  8. If you want to use the stage, tick the box
  9. Tick the “contract” box when you have read our terms and conditions pages.

Press the “Save” button

You are now looking at your bookings page. When you want to make another booking log into Hallmaster (remember your password!). You will be taken to your dashboard which leads to 2 other pages – bookings and invoicing. Select “bookings” and then press the green button “Request booking” at the top left of the page. You can then “edit the booking” (see above).